Goethean Science
This month we will be studying Goethean Science. The goal will not be new knowledge about the world, but instead, practicing a new way of looking at the world. This new way that was described by Goethe is a participating-in, rather than an objectifying-of method, and can lead to completely different results and understandings of phenomena. We do this because the different way of thinking that is needed is fundamental to overcoming the rationalist one-sidedness that shapes the current perspective on life and nature.
We will begin with an explanation of the context of Goethean science, a description of the process, and then will spend time doing plant observation as a way of practicing this methodology.
【Noel Dallow老師】
Noel Dallow 老師
1995年在愛默生學院開始華德福教師訓練,之前曾在Hohepa之家(一個Camphill療癒社區)擔任照護志工家長三年。 1997年搬到台灣,包括在宜蘭慈心的工作共兩年,然後回到英格蘭以完成他的教學資格。
Born in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Worked in Hohepa Homes as houseparent (a Camphill home) for three years before beginning Waldorf Teacher program in Emerson College in 1995. Moved to Taiwan. After two years, including work at Ci-Xin in Ilan, returned to England to complete his teaching qualifications.
Upon graduating moved to Scotland where he worked as a Class teacher for 4 years at the Moray Steiner School. The last 2 years were spent spearheading an Upper School Project which is still operating. Returned to Taiwan and spent 5 years at Leichuan Waldorf School, followed by three years in New Zealand completing an Education degree. Returned to Taiwan in 2011 to begin work in HaiSiann Waldorf Education.
活動日期:2021年11月20日(六)上午 & 11月21日(日)上午
08:30~09:00 報到
09:00~09:30 唱歌晨詩
09:30~12:00 主課程 (含早茶時間)
12:00~13:30 午餐 賦歸
07:30~08:00 報到
08:00~08:30 唱歌晨詩
08:30~11:00 主課程 (含早茶時間)
11:00~12:30 午餐 賦歸~
*本課程僅開放海聲家長參與,社群朋友請參閱海聲師培活動 https://www.hswaldorf.org/training