光之家族 109學年春季第八週

C10 Physics 海之聲2

    This physics main lesson is about classical mechanics. We have given students the task to design and present experiments to demonstrate a mechanical principle. In teams of three students, they present their demonstrations to the whole class one team each morning. The teams are setting up the experiments and performing them for their class mates successfully. And by preparing the presentations, students do understand well the physics behind their experiments.

    While the students did their physics lesson, so to say, students grab a new challenge which is actually beyond my expectations. The teams do not stop with performing their experiments but even want to explain the physics behind the next day. This is great.

    While we have scheduled one new team for each day, the additional reviews from the previous day make our lessons quite busy now. Sometimes there is very limited time left for students to write their workbooks. Therefore I would like to ask you to allow your G10 student enough time to review the main lesson and write their workbook everyday at home.

    Thank you so much.

Teacher Felix Berlin

家長回響:高中部: https://goo.gl/forms/SxbrU518MlbX4o4A3


光之家族 109學年夏季第三週


光之家族 109學年春季第七週